Saturday 25 January 2025
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How to handle the most delicate problem you have to deal with in the cam studio?

How to handle the most delicate problem you have to deal with in the cam studio?

This article deals with a very delicate, yet obvious topic, and all women who worked in a cam studio, including non-adult ones, have dealt with this during their activity. We are talking about periods, more specifically how young women handle them in conjunction with their profession. First of all, we must mention that this is something completely normal that is in women’s nature, so there is no way of stopping or ignoring it. However, many cam girls are ashamed of openly talking about it.

Luckily, some of the braver young women working in a cam studio started this debate on a private forum dedicated to this industry, powered by Studio 20 –, the biggest and most successful non-adult online modeling agency in the world. Without further ado, let’s see how the dialogue went:

Krysta: “Hi, girls! I’ve decided to share a more delicate topic and I want your advice, maybe you can give me some ideas. How do you handle the situation in the cam studio in… ‘that’ period of the month? Apart from the fact that I don’t feel well, with pain, strong migraines, sometimes nausea, I don’t know how to deal with it regarding my online activity. I would lose a lot of money if I wouldn’t work for almost a week, so I have to find solutions to concentrate, as well as wear something less revealing during this time. How do you maintain a positive state of mind, is there something special you do about it? I’m waiting for your answers and please don’t be embarrassed, it’s a very normal subject”

Arielle: “I advise you to drink more water than usual and eat healthier, this way you can continue your cam studio activity without any problem. If you are still feeling sick after this, you could buy some patches that alleviate the specific pains, some pharmacies sell them. Try not to get too tired and stop your shift when you feel overwhelmed”

Iris: “It’s also about luck. I’ve told some members in the cam studio about this problem because they saw I was more upset than usual, and they encouraged me, they were very understanding. Anyway, as a precaution, always have cramp pills with you and eat properly during those days. At least for me, it’s always helpful to eat three meals a day during this period and to hydrate well. It lifts my mood!”

Krysta: “Thank you, girls, your answers were really helpful! I’ve also heard there are some prescription drugs or supplements that act like pain relief, such as vitamin K, but I don’t know how good they are”

In conclusion, this dialogue between three girls working in different cam studios around the world shows that, no matter what problem you have, you are not alone! You always have somebody to talk to, share your experiences with, and find the best solutions together. And remember: you are a woman and you should be proud of it day in, day out!